Maintain your memory and independence

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Memory Assessment Facts

What Services Are Available?

Adults concerned about their memory can learn the source of their problem – and what can be done to improve it – through the services of Mountain Memory Assessment. These include:

  • Memory evaluations

  • Treatment recommendations and suggestions for the patient’s physician

  • Referrals to other professionals

  • Actions the patient can take, such as activities and exercises.

Should I Consider An Evaluation?

You should strongly consider an evaluation if any of these things have happened:

  • Your friends, family or co-workers have expressed concern about your memory or changes in your behavior.

  • You have become lost or confused while driving in a familiar area.

  • You have started to have problems at work because of changes in your memory or other aspects of your thinking.

  • You have forgotten where important or frequently used things are kept.

  • You have burned food because you forgot you were cooking.

You should also consider an evaluation if any of the following symptoms or problems have become worse over the past year or two.

  • You are generally forgetful.

  • You have trouble remembering what you did yesterday.

  • It is hard for you to concentrate.

  • You have trouble remembering what you read.

  • You misplace things.

  • You forget why you went into rooms.

  • You forget what you wanted to buy at the store.

  • You forget appointments or dates with friends.

  • You have difficulty recalling words or names while speaking.

  • You forget what you are saying in the middle of conversations.

  • You forget having had conversations.

  • You can’t recall details of recent events.

  • Family or friends tell you that you repeat yourself a lot.

  • It is hard for you to multitask (do more than one thing at a time).

  • It is hard for you to follow recipes or other complex instructions.

Benefits Of A Neuropsychological Assessment

Our imagining the worst causes most of our fear about memory loss. Just knowing whether there is a problem will bring your fears into the light and help dispel them. There are many effective treatments depending upon what is wrong, but the first step is to learn the truth about whether a condition exists.

A memory disorder assessment will help you:

  • Understand what is causing your problems with memory and other aspects of your cognitive functioning.

  • Experience peace of mind. Many causes of memory loss are treatable. Often there is no neurological disease. If you have a disease, an assessment will help ensure you receive the most appropriate treatment.

  • Understand your cognitive strengths and weaknesses.

  • Learn what you can do to maintain your memory, overall cognitive functioning, and independence.

  • Know where to go for other types of testing or specific treatments that might be helpful.

  • Learn about community resources and where to go for more help.

  • Know what to expect in the future, including how your memory loss is likely to progress and what your future needs will probably be. This will help you to plan for the future.

  • Have a baseline measurement of your memory and thinking to more accurately assess any future changes.

arly Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease is Vital

“Any delay in diagnosis is a setback for people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers – and a delay of two years or more is a serious and unnecessary setback. While facing Alzheimer’s disease is never easy, getting a diagnosis is an essential step to managing and treating the disease. Living with this in silence can isolate people with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers, leaving them without critical support, resources, and proper treatment.”

Eric J. Hall
Chief Executive Officer
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America

Extending the amount of time that a patient can remain independent can be a priceless gift. Here’s how an early diagnosis can help you:

  • Slow the decline. Early detection of memory loss provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to treat this condition. Treated early, it may be possible to slow the decline in memory and other cognitive functions.

  • Improve your health prospects. For progressive illnesses, such as Alzheimer's disease, early diagnosis can improve your future health. Although there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease, available and emerging medical treatments may slow the progression of symptoms. Current medications potentially help maintain a person's ability to think clearly and perform everyday tasks for longer than if left untreated.

  • Improve your quality of life. With early diagnosis, your and your family can learn more about the disease and obtain counseling and other support in your community.

  • Plan ahead and make better decisions. Early detection will permit you to address legal, financial, and other issues before it is too late. This can allow you to have more say about your future care.

  • Ease the burden on caregivers and family. Those who will see to your needs can start taking advantage of community services that can reduce stress and help their physical and emotional well-being. By discussing treatment options, future care, and other issues with your loved ones, you may save them from the need to make these decisions for you on their own. Knowing that a loved one’s wishes have been followed is often a great source of comfort for family members.

What to Expect During an Assessment

Each assessment consists of two parts.

Part 1 is an interview to get detailed information about the problems you are having. With your consent, our doctor may also speak to someone who knows you well to get another perspective on your difficulties. He will thoroughly review your background to see how you should be functioning now, what could potentially account for your difficulties, and what can be done to maximize your functioning.

Part 2 of the assessment consists of a number of tasks to help our doctor assess factors such as your memory, attention and concentration, reasoning and problem-solving skills, and language. The length of the evaluation varies depending on several factors including your age and the problems you are having.

Our doctor will find out how you are doing overall, but your pattern of strengths and weaknesses is most important – what are you good at and what are you not so good at. That’s what provides the most information and will allow him to determine what is wrong. That’s why it is very important that you try your best at everything. If you try hard at some things and not others, the pattern will be misleading and won’t be much help.

You should plan on being at our office for about 4½ to 5½ hours not counting a lunch break. There are several nearby restaurants, or you may bring your lunch with you. Dress comfortably for the evaluation. It is important that you get a good night’s sleep and have at least a little breakfast the morning of your evaluation, so that you will be at your best.

Follow Up: Most patients return within two weeks of the evaluation for a one-hour follow up session in order to learn about their results and to go over our doctor’s impressions and recommendations.

Contact us today to schedule your assessment or to learn more about our services.

Mountain Memory Assessment
1011 Tunnel Road, Suite 240
Asheville, North Carolina 28805  | 
(828) 545-7776

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